At EDiT. we are constantly on the lookout for new artists - both established and emerging - so we always welcome submissions. Below we have included a guide to submitting to a gallery, alongside how to asses whether we are the right gallery for you.
Before approaching a gallery, it is important to assess whether they are a fit to represent your work. At EDiT. we curate our walls to ensure a diverse offer, whilst maintaining an underlying theme and aesthetic that resonates with our collectors. When looking for new artists we are actively seeking work that will bring something new to the table and so is different to anything else we offer.
Generally speaking, if you can demonstrate how you will enhance a gallery’s offer whist fitting in to their curatorial mandate then you are more likely to get a foot in the door than if you approach galleries who stock lots of work that is similar to yours. Additionally, it is also wise to look at who else a gallery is stocking; if you are just starting out then it is unlikely that you will be accepted into a gallery who is showing artists that can be found in the public collections, for example.
Everybody has to start somewhere, and galleries get that! We do, however, put a lot of time and recourses into the representation you will receive and therefore it is important to demonstrate that you are committed to your career and this isn’t just a hobby that will pass. If you are receiving a lot of rejections or not hearing back on submissions then here is our checklist of suggestions to help you stand out.
A decent, up to date website is a must. This should include the following information:
- Artist bio / about page
- Portfolio
- Artist C.V. or previous exhibition and event list
- Links to social media
- Reference to any press you may have received
- Upcoming exhibitions and events
It is also super important that you have at least one active social media channel. We tend to recommend Instagram as it consistently performs well for us as it is a visually lead platform. Post at least 3 times a week and if you can afford it we find a small budget for boosting posts to increase outreach really works - this can be as little as £1 a day.
There are several easy ways to get your Artist C.V. up and running and there is nothing a gallery likes to see more than a self starter. Here are some great ways to demonstrate that you are putting your work out there:
- OPEN CALL EXHiBiTiONS: These are usually group shows where several emerging artists will show work together and are often organised by a curator. Similar to picking a gallery, ensure your work resonates with the theme of the show so it doesn’t look out of place. There is sometimes a small fee to pay in order to exhibit in these, but it is worth it in order to get a few shows under your belt. If you have never exhibited before this will be invaluable experience and you will learn a lot.
- ARTiST LEAD FAiRS: There are several artist lead fairs. Galleries will often go to these to look for new artists and they are a great way to meet other artists. A bonus pro is that people go to fairs to buy art, so you will have the opportunity to build a collector base and test what works.
- FORM A COLLECTiVE: Get together with like minded creatives to share ideas and networks. You can put on exhibitions or events together, share the cost of art fairs, and you’ll get support from others in a similar boat to you.
- PUT ON YOUR OWN SHOWS: You don’t need a gallery to exhibit your work, and it can be done on a very low budget. Contact restaurants, movie theatres, hotels - anywhere that has walls! Document every step of the process for your socials and get it on your Artist C.V. - it shows us that you are taking this seriously and you will gain so much valuable experience in the process.
If you’re in a place where you have largely covered the above, and you think you’ll be a fit for us then we would love to hear from you and see your work. Please fill in the form below with links to your website and social media - we can’t keep multiple images due to storage restrictions so a link to your online portfolio would be appreciated.
We look at submissions twice a year (January and June) and can only get back to successful artists due to the high volume of submissions received. If you don’t hear back from us please don’t be deterred, quite often it simply comes down to a curatorial decision based on our collection as a whole.
Happy Making!
🖤 Team EDiT. x